Sunday, October 16, 2011

Peaceful Protests in Orlando

I attended the Friday Move On org protest. I was interviewed by a pretty, young, and righteous tea party heckler. My response was: I am an American, registered to a party. I am utilizing my right as put forth in the U.S. Constitution to protest peacefully. My purpose is to support Americans who see that the chasm between rich and poor is acclerating exponentially. Middle class is disappearing. While rhetoric in Washington and Tallahassee is about jobs, there is no mention of liveable wage jobs. Teddy Roosevelt, one of our greatest President's said: "Democracy cannot exist without a strong working class". If we give up our middle class, we give up democracy. If we allow this chasm to increase we allow plutocracy and oligarchy. I do not want socialism, communism, oligarchy, monarchy, or oligarchy. We the 99% want our democracy back. In answer to the assault that we want to take away the money from the rich, this is a lie. We don't want to be rich. We only want to live comfortably in my democracy. We want to be able to retire comfortably after working 40 years. I am aware the U.S. has the highest corporate tax in the world at 30%. I also know raising it is not the answer, since the corporations do not pay 30% because of loop holes. I say, lower the corporate tax to the world standard of 24% and eliminate loopholes. If corporations do not want to pay high tax they can invest in their facilities, machinery, research and development, and employees by absorbing higher insurance premiums, giving livable wage increases to match inflation, working environments. We would once again be the strong democracy that the world admired. It is a class war right now. Currently the elite 1% are winning. I don't want the war. I don't want elite's money. I only want my democracy back. I want the people I elect to represent the people and not special interests. I want elections based upon the ability to serve, not who is capable of accruing millions of dollars in campaign funds to use media to market their personality. I am an American and I don't care about party affiliations. I want a great President like Teddy Roosevelt. He wasn't perfect by any means, but he was qualified for the position by experience. He understood the delicate balance of Foreign policy, protecting corporations and protecting the working class. He understood politics with experience. It wasn't about looks, tall and looking good in a suit. It wasn't about media marketing. Remember the words of Teddy: ""Democracy cannot exist without a strong working class". We the 99% are protesting regardless of our personal issues. We want our democracy back. We want our elected legislators to represent the American people. Hussein and Gaddfi had a higher credibility rating than our American government and look what happened to them. "Democracy cannot exist without a strong working class".